Increasing knowledge of the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle has led to an older generation of people being motivated to remain active.
Mobility is a deciding factor in this process and when limited, there are obvious risks that affect a person’s health and wellness.
When mobility is limited, an older person’s ability to manage everyday situations is affected and they may increasingly become dependent on healthcare equipment and services.
A rollator is a lightweight frame that is used to provide walking support, with the added advantages of swivel front wheels and a temporary seat. Rollator is a type of walking aid which has some similarities to walker in their design structure and usage. The rollator is an affordable option for a variety of disabilities.
Rollator has some benefits that can help people with mobility issues which are listed below:
Advanced Medical is one of the best home healthcare equipment providers in Vancouver, Canada.
In our store we offer you a wide range of mobility aids such as crutches, scooters, knee walkers, rollators and more .
If you need to purchase a rolling walker and are not sure which one is the best for your elderly parent or loved one, you can call us or visit our store for a free consultation.